May 2021: Grants totaling more than $500K awarded to joint UC Berkeley and TAU projects
Three joint proposals were selected for funding, two for full grants and an additional one for seed grant.
As part of the KBT Initiative, we issued a third annual call for joint research grants in computational biology and bioinformatics, aiming for collaborations between researchers at UC Berkeley and at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Bioinformatics.
Each submitted proposal was reviewed by three or four UCB and TAU researchers and most proposals received excellent scores. Based on the reviews and the budget constraints, three proposals were selected for funding: Two full grants and one seed grant.
The total sum awarded to new grants this year is $225,000, with a similar amount expected for the second year for the full grants. An additional sum of $289,500 is awarded to continuing full grants from last year (see here).
The winning grants are listed below. The next call for the KBT grants is expected in Fall 2021.
New grants awarded to joint projects of UCB and TAU Researchers
Full grants (5/2021-4/2023)
Hernan Garcia, Departments of Molecular & Cell Biology and of Physics, UCB,
David Sprinzak, School of Neurobiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics, TAU.
Title: "Computational Approaches to Uncover Molecular Mechanisms of Bursting-Mediated Transcriptional Control in the Notch pathway"
Jennifer Listgarten, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, UCB,
Yuval Ebenstein, School of Chemistry, TAU.
Title: "Accurate epigenetic basecalling for nanopore-sequencing"
Seed grant (5/2021-4/2022)
Peter Sudmant, Department of Integrative Biology, UCB,
Tzachi Hagai, School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research, Faculty of Life Sciences, TAU.
Title: "A quantitative framework for characterizing the evolution of placental–decidual architecture"