Our Mission

updated: 29.06.2020

Our Mission

The Koret - UC Berkeley - Tel Aviv University (KBT)  initiative is aimed to advance breakthroughs in biomedical and information technologies by fostering and leveraging academic ties between experts from the most innovative technology-driven ecosystems in the world. UCB and TAU scientists will jointly develop computational tools that integrate patient genetic, genomic and other data for advancing basic biology as well as precision medicine.


The KBT initiative will be run jointly by the Edmond J. Safra Center for Bioinformatics at TAU and the Center of Computational Biology at UC Berkeley, and is made possible by a generous gift from the Koret Foundation.

The five-year partnership will enable a variety of collaboration activities for the TAU and UC Berkeley bioinformatics communities, among them are:


  • Award joint research grants to UCB and TAU research groups

  • Enable research visits of trainees (graduate students and post-docs) from one university to spend a meaningful period of time at the other university.

  • Hold an annual joint workshop for the TAU and UCB communities, rotating annually between the two universities. Workshops will bring together researchers from both institutions for lectures and scientific interaction.

  • Hold an seminar series for the TAU and UCB communities. Seminars will be held throughout the academic year in both universities, bringing researchers together for short-term visits.

  • Operate a visiting scientists program that will enable long-term collaborative research visits by senior researchers from each of the two institutions.

  • Organize a joint summer research program at the Simons Institute for the Theory and Computing at UCB on the third year. This unique program, featuring the participation of prominent TAU and UCB researchers, will bring together senior researchers and post-docs from around the world for an intensive program of research, workshops and conferences on computational methods.

  • Enhance long-term collaborations already in place between TAU and UCB bioinformatics researchers.


See a description of the program at the Koret Foundation website.

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